October 24, 2014
Paul Günther chooses Aeolus Tyres
“We are in the Port of Rotterdam, the logistical hub of our country. Large flows of goods come together in this area and many road transports start and end here. Of course many providers of vehicles and materials are based, or have offices right here. Just as Paul Günther, part of the LT Rental Group.”
“ ‘We let trailers, coolers, but mostly container chassis. …We have around 800 trailers in the Benelux, 600 of these are in the Netherlands and 200 in Belgium. The majority are container chassis.
…The equipment is checked regularly and is kept in good technical condition. This so they can be used safely and reliably. …In addition, more attention is paid to tyre maintenance, for example low pressure, impacts or punctures are a major risk.
…We have chosen Aeolus Tyres because they have a very good price to performance ratio, making this an exceptional tyre especially in our branch
Paul Günther has chosen the 55 series, which is very sensitive, a new tyre and an Aeolus tyre which complies very well and has very little downtime compared to retreaded tyres.
Since we’ve started mounting Aeolus our breakdowns have decreased, we can say with great certainty. If we look at Aeolus tyres we see they have a good quality at a price point that is much more attractive than regular brands.’”

You can find Aeolus Tyres everywhere. Even in your neighborhood!