Aeolus Green Tyre: Clean, sustainable tyre production
Actions speak louder than words. With this simple motto, Aeolus has completely transformed the entire manufacturing process for all its tyres. The results are very clear: the criteria for the “Waste Zero Emission” label have been met fully
In these times of growing environmental awareness worldwide, Aeolus has taken clean, sustainable production very seriously. All tyres for trucks, trailers, earth-moving machinery and cars already on the market are manufactured under the Aeolus Green Tyre (AGT) designation. The new AGT logo is vulcanised into most tyre side walls and is clearly visible. Behind this, since the intro-duction of the logo in August 2011, is a trend reversal: complete innovative reorientation. Starting with the raw materials, via the production processes, to waste management. This allows us to meet the relevant requirements laid down by the European REACH programme. (REACH stands for Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals.) As an EU Ordinance (specifically, EC No. 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council, dated 18 December 2006), REACH has been valid in all member states since 1 June 2007, equally and immediately.
Aeolus - future-oriented
In its capacity as a leading company, Aeolus is committed to its responsibility for future generations. Its next target will be to meet the ambitious conditions over the next few years which will be needed to achieve Tier2 level. The tyres themselves are manufactured entirely without toxic components and with effi¬cient utilisation of the raw materials. In addition, the new tech¬nology introduced as part of this new focus has led to a signifi¬cant – almost one-quarter – reduction in the rolling resistance. As a tangible result, this has led to a significant reduction in fuel consumption of up to five per cent compared with the previous models. It was also possible to perceive a clear reduction in the noise level. For Heuver, as the responsible importer in Europe, “green” production subject to these strict environmental protec¬tion requirements is a crucial factor. We are quite certain that this will help to reinforce the brand quite significantly, as not many tyre companies are able to guarantee “green production”. Furthermore, the casing purchase warranty, the Eco-Twin hot retreading process and the Aeolus Driveability Concept – the combination of new and retreaded tyres – are also helping to supplement an extensive environmental protection and sustain¬ability strategy for the company and the brand.
- Aeolus is investing in energy saving in the production process.
- Aeolus tyres are durable.
- Waste Water Zero Emission: Aeolus does not discharge dirty water into the sewers.
- Aeolus gives tyres a second life thanks to quality retreading
- Aeolus tyres are compliant with the REACH standard.
- Aeolus tyres are energy-saving tyres.

You can find Aeolus Tyres everywhere. Even in your neighborhood!